Jesus told his disciples to cast their nets on the other side of the boat. Many times we toil endlessly over much, good things too, when Jesus is wanting to tell us to cast on the other side. You know that seemingly impossible area that is without a drought beyond me.
I have done this time and time again with many seemingly good endeavors, at least to me, yes in my own personal life.
God does have the final say and He is the author of who we are. He has given us a plan and destiny beyond our natural understanding. Now the question is are we willing to trust Him, you know, the Creator of the universe. We can see things in the natural, like the wind and the rain upon our face, that’s real, yet what about those dreams, the words that were spoken over our lives by family and friends. God does use people with words that are God directed and we know that is for us. Question is, do we take it to heart and follow through on what was said? God says to us to trust in Him and to reach out for the unreachable. Those things that seem impossible to us. Often it is just letting go of the things that seem secure and say, yes Lord. This is where we see the WOW factor, because we know that what happened was totally impossible in the natural and to know that we were a part of the impossible even makes it more. God is so real, so exciting and He uses people like you and even me!
You should have seen that lunker, fish, I caught and yes it was on the other side.
Artist: Thomas S. Chapman
Watercolor size: 281/2″ x 14″
© Copyright 7/2009