Crown of Thorns



In 1974 we bought property in northern Minnesota; I was impressed to cut some hawthorn branches and wove them into a crown, this has stayed with me as a reminder of the brutality to humanity and the Church being a gateway through Jesus Christ into eternal life.

The Painting development
Looking into the heavens I saw multitudes of stars far above me. I researched stars and found birthing areas called, Nebulas, this is where stars and galaxies are being birthed. Out of the Nebulas I saw rays of light, God’s Glory, descending upon the earth through Christ Crown from a birthing Nebulas. Lightning bolts of God’s power are electrifying the atmosphere destroying demonic spirits. God’s presences is shown by streams of light descending upon the earth. These descending light rays going into the waters are giving renewed spiritual life.

I needed to show God’s chosen nations, Israel, and the United States, the only two countries that God established to serve Him and be His voice in the earth. The flags, Israel and the United States, old glory, show the ties that God has in these nation’s He has chosen. These flags are joined together reaching out of God’s presences giving God’s full approval to earth.

History shows that both nations have wavered in their allegiance to their maker. God is faithful in restoring these nations and others to Himself.

About the Inspiration…
God spoke to me about Jesus and His soon return for His Church. There will be an outpouring of God’s spirit upon the earth like we’ve never seen before. He is returning for his bride, the Church.

Scripture References
2 Thessalonians 2; King James Version (KJV)
Gen 1:3, 17:4, 35:11
Heb. 9:22

The watercolor painting “Crown of Thorns” was started in Aug of 1994 and finished in Feb of 1996

God Bless,
Artist, Thomas S. Chapman
Watercolor: Size 28 ½” X 20 ½”
© Copyright 2016